School of
Marketplace Mission &
Global Network

Train Marketplace Missionary leaders with a solid theological foundation

The School of Marketplace Mission and Global Network is an academy that focuses on raising Christian leaders who want to follow the footsteps of Christ in the 21st century in their professional and workplace. Motivated by SaRang Community Church’s DNA of the past 40 years of growth, which is built on the discipleship training, we are planning to establish a creative workplace-missionaries armed with spiritual energy. The same DNA, which produced disciple of Christ will also produce future growth and break through the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution era. The Marketplace Mission & Global Network Academy is a place to foster marketplace missionaries and missionary entrepreneurs who will expand the kingdom of God by giving spiritual vitality to the marketplace.

Training objectives, characteristics, orientation

School of Marketplace Mission & Global Network Academy is a Missional Training Center that creates new momentum for the spiritual revival and transformation of the work place and the churches, in order to address the challenges of spiritual apathy and decline of spiritual participation of the next generation, and the aging of the generation with revival experience.

Our goal is to develop workplace-missionaries and missionary-entrepreneurs, by expanding the leadership and missional capacity to serve the marketplace and business sites, and by studying the successful missional models for specific work places that can be applied in real market-place settings.

We train leaders who serve the workplace and the world by developing a clear calling as a marketplace missionary, a character that resembles our Lord Jesus Christ, a missionary strategy that addresses the challenges of the New-Normal era, and a business missionary capability.

  • Lectures

    On/off line Lectures

    Discussion-based Class

  • Project Learning

    Learn through Team Project

    Develop a Portfolio

  • Hands-on learning

    Workplace Mission Support

  • Community

    Development of Professional Field Community and Support


Term Course Name
1st Term Teleios Discipleship
Christian Worldview
Marketplace Theology
Marketplace Transformation I
2st Term Church History
Global Networking
Marketplace Transformation II
Biblical Management
3rd Term Business As Mission
K-Marketplace Mission
Spherical Mission Strategy

• Christian-EMBA : Christian-Executive Missional Business Academy